Sunday, November 30, 2008


Our weekend hours of 8AM-6PM seem to be the right fit for these Winter months. We have seen the arrival of the Keen's Cheddar. Yes, it is delicious. We also have a new wonderful disc of goat cheese from France that is my new favorite goat cheese, it is a short run cheese so alas, it will be gone soon.

Our soup of the day is Jess's Caribbean Wonder Soup.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


We had visitors from CBS2 last night, Sam was interviewed and showed up on th 10PM news. Take a look at the story on the CBS website. It is nice coverage for the neighborhood and Z&H. We continue to build our inventory mix, it is challenging and fun to investigate all of your suggestions and to discover the wide variety of delicious, high-quality items that are available.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturdays are fun

We had a great day today, lots of new and old friends in and out of the MarketCafe all day.  Lots of cheese tasted, lots of new fans of Clover style coffee. All in all, a great day. What could be better, great deli fare, great cheese and great coffee?